Everything I'm interested in: photos, music, videos and all my images are immortalized with my favorite music ...
Spring Blooms in Lithuania
Lithuanian Red Book - a legal state documents, the basis of which the Republic of Lithuania organized the rare and endangered plants, fungi and animal species. This book is compendium of knowledge about the conservation status of species and methods of protection. The Red Book of recorded species threatened with extinction decrease in their abundance, changes in habitat, deterioration of ecological conditions. Add, delete or make changes to offer scientific and other state and public institutions and organizations, individual researchers. Tenders shall be examined and decided upon at the Lithuanian Department of Environmental Protection awarded the Lithuanian Red Book Committee.
Spring is blooming in Lithuania, classical music is played, just fain ...
Populiarūs įrašai
Autumn - one of the four seasons of temperate zones. Between summer and winter. Meteorological point of view, in th...
Europeade - the largest international folk culture festival held annually in a different country. All festival activities are free. The ...
Sport Looking back at the Olympics 1896-1904 16/07 10:56 CET smaller_text larger_text | |More Sharing Services Related Ex...
Playing the lottery is not something that tips the odds in your favor, and buying more tickets only makes things fractionally better. Occas...
10 Coolest Geneva Auto Show Debuts We Want But Can’t Have : European auto shows are fantastic in that they expose us to awesome cars that...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuIGCDv77Tw&feature=share&list=PL645248890E6B7ED9 Krepšinis prieš Lietuvą : Krepšinis prie...
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2016 m. lapkričio 17 d., ketvirtadienis
Lygiai taip, kaip "McLaren P1 akcijas daug savo kelyje technologija F1 automobiliams (DRS, KERS tipo hibridinių ir tt), taip pat dalijasi savo padangą (ar padanga ) technologija su F1 anketa tiremaker: Pirelli.Kaip F1 automobilių, P Zero Corsas ant P1 nėra off-the-shelf numeriai. Jie užsakymą, pagaminti vien tik už P1, siekiant maksimaliai padidinti savo tvarkymą ir taikymą, 903 hibridinių arklio.
Su P1 unikalų P Zero Corsas, automobilis gali kampe ir stabdžio daugiau nei 2g - dvigubai gravitacijos jėga - ilgalaikis. Štai figūra nėra dažnai matomas kelio-teisinė automobilių, jau nekalbant apie sodrios, 900 arklio galių hypercars.
The first occurred in 1964 Europeade. Antwerp, Belgium. Pirmeiji Europeade organizers was Mon De Clopper (1922 - 1998) and Robert Muller, Kox. After the death of Mon De Clopper festival became president Bruno Peeters. In 2009. Europeade took place in Klaipeda.
1964 Antwerp, Belgium
1965 Dortmund, Germany
1966 Antwerp, Belgium
1967 Valencia, Spain
1968 Antwerp, Belgium
1969 Marche-en-Famenne Belgium
1970 Herzogenauračas Germany
1971 Antwerp, Belgium
1972 Antibes, France
Nuoro, Italy 1973
1974 Antwerp, Belgium
1975 Marbella, Spain
1976 Antibes, France
Nuoro, Italy 1977
1978 Vienna Austria
1979 Antwerp, Belgium
1980 Švalmstadas Germany
1981 Martigny, Switzerland
1982 Gijón, Spain
1983 Vienna Austria
Rennes, France 1984
1985 Turin, Italy
1986 Figueira, Portugal
1987 Munich, Germany
1988 Antwerp, Belgium
1989 in Libourne, France
1990 in Valladolid, Spain
Rennes, France 1991
1992 Figueira, Portugal
1993 Horsens, Denmark
Frankenberg, Germany 1994
1995 Valencia, Spain
1996 Turin, Italy
1997 Martigny, Switzerland
Rennes, France 1998
1999 Bayreuth, Germany
2000 Horsens, Denmark
2001 in Zamora, Spain
2002 Antwerp, Belgium
Nuoro, Italy 2003
2004 Riga Latvia
2005 Kempera France
2006 in Zamora, Spain
2007 Horsens, Denmark
2008 Martigny, Switzerland
2009 Klaipeda Lithuania
Autumn in Lithuania
Autumn - one of the four seasons of temperate zones. Between summer and winter.
Meteorological point of view, in the northern hemisphere autumn as September, October and November months. Astronomical Autumn begins on September 23. and ending on 21 December.
Irish calendar, which is still used keltiškasis cycle includes fall in August, September and October. Meanwhile, Chinese astronomy, autumn begins on August 7. Many ancient civilizations of the year calculated from the autumn.
In 2006. autumn was the warmest in 500 years, is associated with global warminghttp://google.com,http://live.com,http://msn.com,http://yahoo.com,http://youtube.com,
Basketball against Lithuania
Krepšinis prieš Lietuvą :
Krepšinis - komandinis sportas, kuriame ball yra žaidžiamas. Sužaisti krepšinio aikštelė, kurioje dvi komandos žaidėjų bando surinkti kuo daugiau taškų, mesdamas kamuoliuką į ...
reitingai | |
Laikas: 03:41 | Daugiau Sporto |
GT 500
Playing the lottery is not something that tips the odds in your favor, and buying more tickets only makes things fractionally better. Occasionally, however, there are raffles where you pay a bit more to increase your odds of winning. That's a good thing, especially when the prize is a 2014 Shelby GT500. The Shelby American Collection car museum is hosting just such a raffle, and now is the time to spend some of that money you've been saving for a shot at 5.8-liters of supercharged American excellence.
To support the museum, the car is being raffled with each ticket costing $50. If you buy four tickets, you get a fifth free. On top of that they're only selling 4,000 tickets in total. Those aren't terrible odds. If you win, you can choose between the car or $50,000. Too bad you can't get both because you'll need that $50,000 for your first year of fuel.
If you head over to ShelbyMustangRaffle.com, you can purchase tickets. What you'll wind up with is the shot at putting a 662-horsepower beast of a two-door that burns tires, fuel, and brain cells with serious quickness. If you don't want a Mustang, you could always give the eBay vehicle giveaway a shot and wind up with a 2014 Nissan GT-R instead.
To support the museum, the car is being raffled with each ticket costing $50. If you buy four tickets, you get a fifth free. On top of that they're only selling 4,000 tickets in total. Those aren't terrible odds. If you win, you can choose between the car or $50,000. Too bad you can't get both because you'll need that $50,000 for your first year of fuel.
If you head over to ShelbyMustangRaffle.com, you can purchase tickets. What you'll wind up with is the shot at putting a 662-horsepower beast of a two-door that burns tires, fuel, and brain cells with serious quickness. If you don't want a Mustang, you could always give the eBay vehicle giveaway a shot and wind up with a 2014 Nissan GT-R instead.
10 Coolest Geneva Auto Show Debuts We Want But Can’t Have
10 Coolest Geneva Auto Show Debuts We Want But Can’t Have:
European auto shows are fantastic in that they expose us to awesome cars that we don’t get here in America. European auto shows are also awful because they expose us to awesome cars we don’t get here in America. But we think it’s better to have seen and lusted over than to never have seen at all. Here are 10 cars we’re glad we saw in Geneva: READ MORE ››
European auto shows are fantastic in that they expose us to awesome cars that we don’t get here in America. European auto shows are also awful because they expose us to awesome cars we don’t get here in America. But we think it’s better to have seen and lusted over than to never have seen at all. Here are 10 cars we’re glad we saw in Geneva: READ MORE ››
Jaguar Land Rover Invests $589 Million In Its (Bright) Future
Jaguar Land Rover Invests $589 Million In Its (Bright) Future: In 2008, Ford sold its under-performing luxury SUV brand, Land Rover, to Indian auto giant Tata Motors for an estimated $2.3 billion, less than half of what Ford had paid for the company in 2000. At the time, few expected the neglected brand to survive, let alone prosper. After all, the global economy was in free fall, jobs were being shed by the...